Sunday, July 29, 2007

Closed Chapters

Today has been the end of a chapter. Engulfed by a range of emotions. Joy, sadness, success and loss. These last three years have been an ever changing process. Re-learnt the basics of advertising – learnt that it’s not only about managing a brand but also being able to handle the client at very nascent stages. They did not teach us this at school but learn I did. And it was a great experience.
With all the teeth grinding, the head banging, the flurry of new found obscenities, the scene was nothing but interesting to say the least. For each one client who knew their boundaries and skill sets, there were the other ten of them who thought they were jack of all trades. Needless to say they were master of some. But once again it was a hilarious drive all the way. Just like the one I had with a Syrian colleague of mine while going to do a road-show for one of my favourite clients. To make it interesting for her we started following all the white cars in the midst of rush hour traffic from Dubai to Sharjah. It was a comical sight to see my beetle fleetingly change lanes. It was a fun and successful evening. The clients were ecstatic, the road-show a success after the initial hiccup or two.
At office also learnt a few things – like learning to say the simple good morning. That was huge considering I am not at all a morning person. I am the crabbiest of all and had clear instructions to colleagues and clients alike of not approaching me till 10:30am!! Desired that early morning silence for my sake otherwise I would have been hated even more. Learnt patience which I so lacked and still do to some extent. But for that I must credit a few people, one of them being my puchai and the other being a client. Oh yes, I also learnt how to build a bank of white lies which I would rotate judiciously.
At the end of this road, I can clearly say I am satisfied with the journey. Not only had I found a nest of great people who will be there with me for the rest of my life but I also discovered a lot about myself. It’s yet another chapter which I completed in more ways than one.


Mriganka (Micky) Kalita said...

It's always the journey that matters...everything else is just excess baggage...and we all know it's always better to travel light...isn't it?

ironic said...

well at times excess baggage teaches us how to take on the load and walk with it comfortably.