Thursday, May 28, 2020

An M&B kind of Love – Then and Now

Gone are the days of clinging vines and shy, retiring violets. A new breed of vegetation has taken over, consisting of tiger-lilies and venus fly traps. No longer are the Mills and Boons heroines locked up in their ivory towers of innocence. No longer are they naïve 18-year olds, overawed by the scent of their lover’s cologne [M&B heroes tend to overdo things, anyways!]. No, today’s heroine is older, more intelligent and definitely has a mind of her own [let the hero use any which cologne he wants].

Once upon a time, there lived a strong, masterful, arrogant, tall, dark [and preferably Greek or Italian] Conte Roberto de Falcon, who had a twisted / sardonic / mocking / tasting smile.

“Are you afraid of me? I admit to possessing a temper and pride …. But I can be kind.” [How obliging!]

Only one word aptly sums up the heroine; tremble. She’s liable to tremble when she’s [a] sad [b] feeling cold [c] in his arms [d] out of his arms.

“My little English rose, you were meant for me,” booms his authoritative voice.

“No, don’t please ….”, her voice with an undercurrent of fear fades as he gathers her in his arms and crushes his lips to hers. Her treacherous body betrays her yet again.

Today, we have the sensitive, understanding, adjusting, tender yet devastatingly handsome [spectacles notwithstanding] Brian, His sinewy, taut muscles are the only relic of his caveman ancestor, while she has shed her shackles [among other things].

“Make love to me darling”, she purred, with half closed eyes and half opened lips.

“No”, replied Brian.


“I won’t make love to you. I’ll make love with you”.

Jane, our old M&B heroine, was either a steno or a nurse – depending on whether Senor Roberts was a ruthless businessman or a disillusioned doctor. She’d inevitably marry her boss and docilely give up nursing patients to spend the rest of her life darning his socks.

Today, Jenny [our new heroine] is determined to be who she wants to – a marine biologist, a detective or an ad executive smart enough to hire a maid to darn his socks.

Once upon a time, Dominique Farr was a bleached blonde with Pearl Blossom on her nails, Moonlight Magie on her lips and Christian Dior around her. She has a cold glint in her eye which only the heroine could perceive. The Vamp. Who else would hiss, “You little fool! Do you really think he loves you?”

Once upon a time, dear Jane would land up at a party that was much too wild for her. Her erstwhile charming escort would suddenly turn octopus and she’d scream “No!”[Incidentally, her vocabulary is generally restricted to one word]. Just then, the hero who conveniently happened to be passing by, would grab Mr. Octopus by the collar and growl [clenched teeth et al], “Get your hands off her….”.

Today, of course, self defense is the name of the game. Jenny, of the sharp stiletto fame, manages, in one breath to land a well-aimed kick at Mr. O’s trousers and a “How dare you spy on me, you….”, to the hero hovering around [obviously our woman of steel hasn’t read any fairy tales, with knights in shining armor]. She can take care of herself, her weapons ranging from well-manicured nails to the occasional karate chop.

Birth control. For Jane, before marriage there was no question [blush, blush] as self-control was the only method known to her. And after marriage, why, there was no need!

“Darling”, he murmured.

“No, never! We cannot do it before our wedding night. Patience, darling, it’s only six months away”.

Now as Brian buries his lips in her soft curls and whispers “Jenny?” she can happily reassure him. “It’s alright Brian. I’m on the pill”.

The very quality of the relationship between the hero and the heroine has undergone radical change.

“You treat me like a slave”.

“I treat you like a woman. We Italians understand that a woman must be mastered”.

Compare this with the Nineties attitude.

“I can’t give up everything I’ve worked so hard for Brian”.

“I know sweetheart. Don’t worry. We’ll work something out together”.

Well, that about sums up the two different attitudes. M&B’s have always been an embodiment of a woman’s fantasy. While today’s M&B does retain its fairly tale like quality, surely dreaming of a romance between two adults [as opened to a half witted 18-year old and the Incredible Hulk] is a step in the right direction.

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