Saturday, September 22, 2007


We are a clean slate when born. Whilst growing it gets filled with contents and the first few chapters are written. When we gain proper consciousness we re-learn some of the elementals that were instilled in us and re-write our book.

The reason I say ‘proper’ is because though we might attain cognizance at an early stage but it is true only when we start rationalising the same. Am I being comprehendible?

Innocence is also something that we are born with but then it gets chipped away with time. Circumstances mould us and we realise that the principles we base our lives on and hold close to heart will have to go through some minor alterations to suit the outside. What happens if we don’t let go of those? What if we want to live in the ideal world? Why can’t we? It’s said, “Do unto others what you want to be done unto you”. Why doesn’t that hold true? Are these a lot of questions?

I guess the answer lies in the theory of evolution. Survival of the fittest. Those who are in a fluid state of motion progress with the times and those like me who want to have a few constants, try and grasp at the last strands to breathe. We ponder whether to breathe we should compromise and also to what end. Would we be able to live with the weight of the conciliation against our wishes?

Do not want to disown the dream I had. Would love to see it live the reality but for that I would have to let go of some of my beliefs. More importantly would have to open up, even if there is a high possibility of falling. There is an upside to falling. It allows our friends to catch you. Just make sure that those friends have sure hands.

Infinity goes in both directions but does it ensure I’ll get another chance? Wouldn’t know till I allow myself to breathe. But have to hurry before the quicksand engulfs me.

1 comment:

Shiladitya said...

Very true--Lopa you have a way of getting at the crux of matters.You may sound a little cynical here, but I cannot deny the fact that your words ring true and all of us are guilty of being cynics at some point or the other--so what the hell!As your unwritten words say in the article--life moves on--u move on--survival skills egg us on--so many years of evolutionary revolution hardwired into our DNA cannot go waste--it does its job--we all graple with the realities of constants and variables--love--integrity--honesty--camaraderie--friends--family---they all take their places again in our lives--as we all move on.