Friday, August 17, 2007


When you’re sorry and there’s deep sorrow
Lock your eye like you would
Your window
Connected to that inside world
Connected to the strength of a bull
Connected to the clarity of the crystal
Whipped up energy
Thought after thought after thought
Rests locked inside
Like the coils of a spring

Open your eyes and you connect
With a wall, a tree
And out you go uncoiled
Sucked by the wall
And hurting into the wall, the tree ….

It hurts,
Shut your eyes, when in pain.


illusions said...

The pain is is all encompassing...waiting to be liberated...waiting to fly...waiting for the hurt to go away...waiting.

ironic said...

pain till its piercing is not pain enough. but the wait has been endless. waits can't be incessant. when is the dawn arriving?

Con Verse said...

Connected to that inside world
Connected to the strength of a bull
Connected to the clarity of the crystal

These three lines are fabulous.

I read it in this way.

That inside world
A bull
A chrystal

They indeed connect each other in grief.