Thursday, August 9, 2007


Question Posed: Do you think each time one goes through a broken relation, a part of the self dies? While you agree that love is the basic ingredient of a healthy relation, can you fall in love again? Can you? With me? Thats all I need and am ready to give it too.

My Answer: Genes mutate. And what are we? Just a bunch of DNA's right? So when we go through a broken relationship, we break but then we start mutating again. Pain stays on in one corner of ourselves but it also forges us to give birth to a new self. This new self comes with all its walls and boundaries and we feel cocooned in it. We know that we are not going to lower the moat anymore.
But then guess what? Love, the basic ingredient of any life form, is like a weed. The more you want to uproot it, it breeds back again. It then proceeds onto entwine us in a taut grasp and leave us breathless. We suffocate initially but in that asphyxiated state we come into our own being. The same DNA that we were, before the mutation still remains the core but the sheath is slight bit different.
Love is not a demand and neither is it equivocal.
Love is liberated, it is sinuous and it knows no end


illusions said...

Yes I totally agree. Our mutation is what keeps us alive and transforms the very life we live in different water sheds. The more we try to catch it by demand the further it slips away...but let it go and it grows wings and soars wild into the a song bird.

lovegotthetongue said...

Yes. Love is the reason I am travelling on.

ironic said...

true love is the road less travelled.