Thursday, April 24, 2008


Life keeps moving on surely and silently,
Nothing stops the wheel of life until eternity.
Absorbed we remain in our daily pursuits,
Our fear, our passions, our loves and dislikes,
Remain as tangible as our silhouettes,
Soon we only exist and forget to live our lives.

Brushing away a child, too busy to stop
To listen, to ponder, to understand, to assimilate,
Taking short cuts, in a hurry to be at the top,
Soon we forget to love and learn to hate.

Making maximum usage of time and energy,
We burn the candle of life at both ends,
For these days of instant success be,
Why worry about the means, just secure the ends.

Forgetting to appreciate the finer things of life,
A glorious sunset, a starlit sky so blue
But time cuts through your consciousness like a knife
Relentlessly with it comes the feeling of déjà vu.

Making you falter, stumble in exhaustion
The cost of undergoing stress and tension
Life has walked past you, comes the realization
Leaving you with a score not worth a mention.

Making you stop and take stock
The lightness of step, the laughter and gaiety

You find replaced by seriousness and maturity
Nothing is the same, time mocks.
What was bravery, is bravado now
What was adventure becomes risky business
What was fun, de classe now
What was innocence becomes childishness.

Feelings torn asunder, you are struck by thunder
There is a shifting of gears, a change of priorities
Then a taste of freedom, a sense of wonder
Freedom from the need to prove, to compete.

Peace comes with identification
There is no need for justification
The wonder of the starlit sky
The sunset, the birds that fly.

Regain now shades and meaning
A new discovery every evening
Jazz has changed to a waltz
Life has slowed, not come to a halt.