Monday, August 20, 2007

The Doomed

The girl leaning over the balcony
Looks with curious, beaming eyes;
Her budding breasts pressed
Against the concrete railings
And in her eyes
All dreamy love in a dewy
Luscent drop of uncertainty
Though unknown to her, her life
Is already charted out
In neat and well divided lines:
Now she will play with toys
Now she will see boys
Now she will marry a stranger
Now pot bellied and petulant
She shall keep watch
Over her children growing up.

Friday, August 17, 2007


When you’re sorry and there’s deep sorrow
Lock your eye like you would
Your window
Connected to that inside world
Connected to the strength of a bull
Connected to the clarity of the crystal
Whipped up energy
Thought after thought after thought
Rests locked inside
Like the coils of a spring

Open your eyes and you connect
With a wall, a tree
And out you go uncoiled
Sucked by the wall
And hurting into the wall, the tree ….

It hurts,
Shut your eyes, when in pain.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Abandoned Promises

I strongly believe in the power of words, especially the spoken ones. I can honestly say that for most of the time I have always veered to the path of keeping the promises I have made in my adult life.

Isn’t it said that in life, do unto others what you would like done to you. Well then in that case why don’t others keep their promises? Don’t they have an obligation too? Or am I just dim?

Well judging by the impaired heart I think had the injuries been severe enough I wouldn’t have suffered. Do we have to figure out how to take care of ourselves? I don’t even know if I have what it takes?

Everyone said I had to walk again. I wasn’t in the mood. I needed it to be right again. Why can’t life be fair? At times I feel that I should have kept quiet in spite of being in the know. It’s better to be in the dark as there may be fear but there is also hope.

Well love lost its cause and today is yet another tolerable day in the land of many.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Humpty Dumpty

i always look at life in all its innocence. take people always at face value [most of the time at least, and thus invariably fall flat on my face and break wrenching out excruciatingly] as i am very transparent with my thoughts. i expect others to reciprocate in the same manner. in my mind i am still a child. and yes when love happens, the world just does a humpty dumpty.

Thursday, August 9, 2007


The four stages of a butterfly are as follows
It’s the classic case of the ugly duckling which turned out to be the beautiful swan. Nature with all its bounty has time and again shown us how from a kernel the flora blossoms. Why can’t then love follow the same motion.
When we are in love, in the initial stages, we become blind [I say this from profound experience]. We are in love with all that is good in the other person and with the feeling of being in love. Rarely do we see the cons to the pros. Even if we do, we shove it under the rug. We are in love, we proclaim. We are in full splendour much like the butterfly fluttering nearby.
As time wanes, love takes a different form. It becomes complacent. Further on, it then goes into regression. We take the other person for granted and we forget the love that attracted us to the very person we are living with under the same roof.
Every relationship requires a lot of hard work they say. Is that the only requisite? Hard work towards what? Did we define that goal when we started the journey? And if so, then are we assessing if we are stepping towards it in unison or did we divert somewhere and that too on our own without the knowledge of the other?
A relationship, no matter what name we give it should always be the union of two souls at the bare. When we embark on it, we are invariably on the same page. What we need to achieve constantly is turn the leaves together. This would then culminate to an eternity of the skipped heart beat we experienced when we saw the other cross the road towards 'us'.


Question Posed: Do you think each time one goes through a broken relation, a part of the self dies? While you agree that love is the basic ingredient of a healthy relation, can you fall in love again? Can you? With me? Thats all I need and am ready to give it too.

My Answer: Genes mutate. And what are we? Just a bunch of DNA's right? So when we go through a broken relationship, we break but then we start mutating again. Pain stays on in one corner of ourselves but it also forges us to give birth to a new self. This new self comes with all its walls and boundaries and we feel cocooned in it. We know that we are not going to lower the moat anymore.
But then guess what? Love, the basic ingredient of any life form, is like a weed. The more you want to uproot it, it breeds back again. It then proceeds onto entwine us in a taut grasp and leave us breathless. We suffocate initially but in that asphyxiated state we come into our own being. The same DNA that we were, before the mutation still remains the core but the sheath is slight bit different.
Love is not a demand and neither is it equivocal.
Love is liberated, it is sinuous and it knows no end

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Mute Hills

Poignant eyes shadow
The vagrant clouds
Adrift amongst
The latitudes of snow
In search of repose….
The uphill inclines
The distant hamlets
Silent deodars
Seduced of beauty
Perceive the dull notes
Of the sound of silence
In their quest
Of that tranquil vale….
The pendulous cones
Quaking in the frost
Awaits their fate
In the quagmire
Of the mushy earth
The grey of the suspended mist
Stains me in
The color of your absence